
Create your online gallery and shopping site effortlessly!

FotoBeans arranges your photos into beautiful galleries, and builds your store automatically.

Just arrange your images into desktop folders and your galleries are a few clicks and a cup of coffee away! If you use Lightroom, it’s even easier; set up your gallery collections and click “publish”. This makes adding new images a breeze.

Either way, your titles and captions go along for the ride to appear beautifully on your site.

Want your own domain name? Not a problem; we’ll help you get it and set it up so your site appears as its own.

Manage your galleries using our software…

…or directly from Lightroom.

Let’s talk shopping!

Want a store? After your gallery is set up, creating a store is an easy next step. FotoBeans was developed by a photographerWe asked photographers what features they wanted, and what would make the setting-up as easy as possible. Some wanted to manage their own printing and delivery, while others preferred to let us handle that end of the business. So we developed a system that allows you to choose.

Next, we found that photographers wanted to determine their own pricing, and do it easily. We developed a system that eliminates the daunting chore of pricing each image individually.

How? We created a cost-based pricing system that works off your real costs by image-size and paper-type. (If you use FotoCytes as fulfillment partner, the costs are entered automatically.) Then you simply enter mark-up tiers; this gives you the power to dial-in higher mark-ups for lower-cost items.

It’s magic!

Then the magic begins: our software “sees” the dimensions of each of your images to determine the allowable paper sizes and pricing. So when a customer clicks on an image, they only see allowable sizes and paper-types for that image.

This eliminates the tedious process of individually pricing dozens or even hundreds of images! As flexible as this pricing system is, we know you may have premium images you want to price higher, or others you want to discount. No problem! – our software allows you to easily override the general pricing for individual images. It’s also easy to offer up-sell discounting that encourages customers to buy additional photographs.