Tag: one-col
Tony Northrup is wrong (about Adobe Super Resolution)
Take a look at the left and right halves of the image below. Hover with your cursor and click. These come from the same Canon RAW image. The left half is unprocessed, the right has only been upscaled using Adobe’s Super Resolution. The difference is clear. Tony Northrup’s YouTube video on Super Resolution was sent to…
Adobe Super Resolution – Game Changer!
Pack more megapixels into your photos with one click. Use this feature in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to create ultra-high-resolution images.
Sharpen AI by Topaz Labs – a Winner!
Not long ago, I had the opportunity to photograph Kiane, a lovely Minneapolis-based model. One of my favorite shots of her was spoiled because I missed the focus. (Note to self: avoid using manual focus lenses in situations that are risky.) Enter Sharpen AI, a software product created by Topaz Labs. Their claim was sharpening…
Einstein & Monroe
You may have seen this illusion. Look at it close-up, and it is Albert Einstein. Back away a few feet and it is Marilyn Monroe. What is going on here? You’re seeing the effects of frequency resolution. Close-up, you’re seeing the finer detail that is familiar to you as details of Einstein’s face. When you…
A quick note on my posts…
I’m in the process of revamping my site and these are old posts. Some will be outdated so beware. New ones will be coming soon, and I’ll be archiving and correcting or deleting outdated information. Just as I’ll tweak images over time, so too, with my blog posts – with one main difference: while I’m…